Tickets $10 online / $15 at the door
Guests from other schools
- There is one guest per WHS student.
- Guests are not permitted if they will not be accompanied by the designated WHS student throughout the evening of Homecoming.
- Anyone attending the dance must bring their student ID with them to be admitted into Homecoming.
- Guests within South Washington County Schools (East Ridge, Park or the Alternative Learning High School) do not need to complete the dance guest form. They must bring their student ID to Homecoming.
- Guests in grades 9-12 attending a school outside of South Washington County Schools must complete the dance guest form. Hard copies of the dance guest form are available in the Activities and Attendance Office. This form must be signed by an administrator from the guest's own high school by Wednesday, October 2.
- This form must be turned in by the WHS student that is their “guest” for the event by Thursday, October 3 by 3:15PM. to the Activities or Attendance Office prior to purchasing a ticket for the guest.